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The Power and Impact of Pathways


International students are critical in higher education sectors across the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Recent evidence shows a significant fall in international student numbers to UK universities, caused by increased international competition, the uncertain political environment in major English-speaking destinations, changes in UK study visa regulations and access to dependent visas.  Pathway providers are one of the recruitment channels which universities can use to help mitigate these risks as the pathways sector is diverse, provides flexibility and offers a variety of study models.

To understand the benefits of pathways to universities, students and the economy, NCUK, a global pathway provider, commissioned The IC Global Partnership to complete a review of their report in partnership with Nous Group: ‘The Power and Impact of Pathways’. The report’s findings will be launched at The IC Global Cafe, in partnership with NCUK.

Guest speakers will discuss the value and benefits of a pathway degree to students and partner universities, including the cost of living savings for students studying on an in-country pathway programme versus a traditional on-site campus; the positive impact of pathway providers to major higher education export countries; the significant trends in the higher education market that make pathway providers attractive; and the services and business models which exist in the pathway provider sector.

Social Media with speakers 12.03.2024(2)final

Date: Tuesday 12 March 2024

Time: 11am (GMT)

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Our guest speakers

Stuart Smith, Chief Executive Officer, NCUK

Stuart Smith, BA Hons, MA joined NCUK in 2021 as Chief Executive, and leads the company during a time of evolution and change within the Higher Education sector. Prior to joining NCUK, Stuart held roles such as Director of International, Head of International and Head of Student Recruitment at UK Universities and for private education providers, bringing a wealth of commercial and international experience from within the Higher Education Sector. Stuart and the teams he has managed have been nominated for multiple awards, including the Times Higher Education and winner at the PIEoneer Awards.

Oliver Jawara, Director, Nous Group

Oliver Jawara has worked with over thirty universities across the UK and Australia to articulate and set strategic direction, identify key market and sector trends and develop and implement institutional responses to emerging challenges.

Charlene Allen, Co-Founder and Director, The IC Global Partnership

Charlene has over 20 years’ experience in higher education. She has held senior roles across several universities in the UK focused on student recruitment and international relations, held a national sector leading role as Chair of British Universities International Liaison Association (BUILA) and sat on strategic international advisory boards for the British Council, Universities UK International and the UK Council for International Students Association. Her work has included the development and implementation of various internationalisation projects, lobbying on internationalisation matters and working with the Department of Education and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy International Team on the UK International Education Strategy. She has played a key role in designing and delivering online training for BUILA and the British Council.