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‘Where you learn, share, reflect and advance to develop practical approaches to your work to support you in your career’

Many professionals working in international education tell us they love the sector because there is so much to learn, discover and explore in the field of internationalisation and global engagement. This is where The IC Academy can help. We are passionate about training and developing individuals, teams and organisations to grow potential, learn best practice, achieve goals and pursue happiness. We offer training and workshops in a wide range of areas, as well as coaching, mentoring and retreats.

Join one of our programmes now, let’s start your development journey together at The IC Academy. 

A few members from my team attended the "Resilient Brain at work" workshop; the feedback was encouraging and contributed to some insightful self-reflections and positive behavioural change.

Leina ShiDirector Education British Council China

Our programmes


Join our practical workshops where you can explore topical issues in depth with our expert trainers.

Bespoke training

Discover our wide range of training courses, tailored to you and your institutions’ interests and needs.

Coaching & mentoring

Receive support and guidance from our team and your peers on the professional issues you are currently facing and work towards your learning goals.

Our programmes are practical, bespoke and flexible, and we always foster a trusting, confidential and supportive environment that facilitates reflection, sharing of experiences and honest constructive feedback.

Contact us to talk about your training needs, and find out more about prices and availability