The IC Global Café replays
We are excited to be offering our IC Community members a complimentary gift: the chance to watch our most popular IC Cafés from this academic year. Maybe they are new to you, you missed them, perhaps you were too busy at the time or you might wish to refresh your memory. We believe you will really benefit from these valuable Cafés as they contain relevant, insightful and cutting-edge knowledge and advice from global experts and influencers in the international education sector.
The top IC Global Cafés will be released on the following dates, and they will be available to you for 14 days following each date (instead of the normal 7 days after live IC Global Cafés). You will receive the links to these replays in our weekly newsletters.
Date: Tuesday
Time: 11am (BST)
Join The IC Community to get access to The IC Global’s Café replays