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The IC Global Café: Peak Performance: Mastering Work-Life Balance for Optimal Results

Peak Performance: Mastering Work-Life Balance for Optimal Results

We understand the challenging international education climate that you are currently operating in and the feelings you may have of being overwhelmed by the amount of work, meetings and ever-increasing targets for international student recruitment.

  • “How can I meet my student recruitment targets?” 
  • “There is not enough time to undertake all the tasks within my role. I feel overwhelmed and unable to meet my work-related goals.”
  • “I’m feeling stressed.”
  • “I want to have a better work/ life balance whilst achieving the very best in my role.”

Does the above sound familiar? If you have thought or said one or more of the above sentences, this IC Café is for you.

Join a conversation with our guest speakers who will take you through some easy and practical steps to help you to manage your stress levels, achieve a better balance in your day-to-day work and achieve wanted outcomes whilst also looking after yourself.

Learn some practical tips to help you and enjoy some short breathing and stretching exercises that you could incorporate into your daily routine to also help you.

Social Media 07.05.2024

Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024

Time: 11am (BST)

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Our guest speakers

Sirin Myles, Executive and Transitional Coach and Mentor

Sirin is a highly experienced International Leader and held senior leadership roles in international education. Sirin is a professionally trained solution-driven leadership and transition Coach. She has the expertise of coaching directors and university executive table members.

Professor Abigail Gregory MBE, Executive Coach and Mentor

Abigail has significant expertise in internationalisation and global engagement. She has held senior roles as Faculty Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor and Faculty Head of International. She is a professionally trained Executive Coach specialising in leadership and workplace coaching. She is published in the field of work-life balance and gender equality.