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The IC Global Café: ‘Connecting Currents to Achieve Action: EAIE Reflections’

Connecting Currents to Achieve Action: EAIE Reflections

The ‘connecting currents’ theme of the EAIE 2023 conference is being carried along to The IC Global Café with our expert speakers, Piet van Hove, President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Maria Gallo, Founder and Managing Director at KITE-Keep in Touch Education and IC Global Fellow, and Vicky Lewis, Founder at Vicky Lewis Consulting.

As international education connects various currents of thought, expertise, disciplines and cultures, The IC Global Café will be a platform to discuss these dynamic topics, as well as a place to take action. At the recent EAIE conference, Piet van Hove talked about this connection and purpose in order to create sustainable solutions. He encouraged us to think of all the ways we can put this into practice and make our work more impactful. “That’s our homework”. Now is your chance.

This IC Global Café will help you to gain insights from our expert speaker, who will reinvigorate some key themes of EAIE 2023, encourage further debate and action; network with international education professionals; explore new collaborations and make positive changes. We encourage IC global community members to share your observations, insights and questions, whether you attended EAIE or not. We’ll invite you to join the panel of speakers during the live IC Café.

Whether you attended EAIE 2023 or not, these key conference themes are critical in all our international education work, as well as the imperative to take positive action.

IC Global Café 17.10.2023_all panel members

Date: Tuesday 17 October 2023

Time: 11am (UK time)

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  • Piet van Hove, President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) will talk about digitalisation & artificial intelligence, evidence of impact, EDI, climate action, social responsibility, wellbeing, working in times of polycrisis, political turmoil & populism and Newcastle University’s award for Excellence in Innovation.
  • Maria Gallo, Founder and Managing Director at KITE- Keep in Touch Education and IC Global Fellow will discuss the importance of alumni interconnectedness to international education.
  • Vicky Lewis, Founder at Vicky Lewis Consulting will talk about EDI and comprehensive & responsible internationalisation.

Our expert speakers

Piet van Hove

Piet Van Hove is the President (2022-24) of the European Association for International Education ( and Senior Policy Advisor for Internationalisation at the University of Antwerp, where he previously studied Law. He has been active in internationalisation of higher education since 1995, dealing with different aspects of internationalisation, including student and staff mobility, capacity building, services for international staff and students, international educational projects and strategic networking. For 15 years Piet was head of UAntwerp’s International Relations Office.

Piet has been active in the leadership of several professional associations and nonprofits at the national and international level for many years, such as Flanders Knowledge Area, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the NGO APOPO and the EAIE. He currently serves as an independent Director of ILEP Ltd. (Taith Programme). He presents frequently on a wide range of topics related to internationalisation of higher education.

Maria Gallo

Dr Maria Gallo is a qualitative researcher and alumni scholar with 20 years’ experience in higher education leadership roles in Ireland and Canada. As the Founder of KITE Limited, she specialises in research and strategic projects including alumni strategic planning, international education with philanthropy and global alumni networks. Her recent clients include governments, universities, and organisations across 17 countries. Maria is also the appointed Expert Alumni Advisor to CERN and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. She is the author of The Alumni Way published in 2021 by Policy Press.

Vicky Lewis

Dr Vicky Lewis became an independent consultant in 2013 and specialises in advising higher education institutions on international strategy development. She has completed over 50 consultancy projects for institutions at various stages of internationalisation, mainly in the UK but also in Australia, US, Malaysia, Sweden, France and Germany.

She draws on 20 years’ experience within UK universities, including Director of International and Director of Marketing roles. Vicky holds a DBA (Higher Education Management) from the University of Bath. Research interests include drivers for internationalisation, institutional strategies for global engagement, and approaches to transnational education. In 2021, she published a well-received sector report entitled: UK Universities’ Global Engagement Strategies: Time for a rethink?