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The IC Café: Enhancing International Student Recruitment: Reflect, Collaborate and Act

Enhancing International Student Recruitment: Reflect, Collaborate and Act

At various points in the international student recruitment cycle, it is often wise to pause and reassess our strategy and direction.

  • What has changed in the external environment?
  • Are there any new challenges emerging?
  • Are our peers and colleagues grappling with similar issues?

At this online Café our speakers, working in similar roles to your own, will be sharing their predictions and observations of the current academic year impacting on international student recruitment and partnerships, including Government policy changes, new initiatives and best practice.

The IC Café: Enhancing International Student Recruitment: Reflect, Collaborate and Act

Date: Tuesday 6 February 2024

Time: 11am (GMT)

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Our expert speakers

Catriona McCarthy, Director for Global Engagement at Ulster University and Chair of BUILA

Catriona is BUILA Chair and  Director for Global Engagement at Ulster University. She has spent more than 20 years in the  internationalisation of Higher  Education, having previously  worked for a number of Scottish  Universities.

Catriona serves as a member of  both the Universities and  Colleges Admissions Service  (UCAS) International Advisory  Group and of the the UK  Council for International  Student Affairs (UKCISA)  Strategic Advisory Committee.  She is a Non-Exec Director at  Ireland’s largest overseas aid  charity, sits on the Advisory  Board of two successful Ed Tech companies and is a  member of the Visit Belfast  Ambassador Circle Steering  Group.


Francis Glover, Deputy Director – International at De Montfort University.

In March 2024, Francis Glover will take up a new role as Director of Global Recruitment at Oxford Brookes University. He is currently Deputy Director – International, at De Montfort University. Prior to this, he held various roles at universities in London, including Head of International at the University of Greenwich, and held market responsibility, partnerships, and student experience positions at London South Bank University. He has completed a part-time MA in Education Policy, which focused on policy impacting international student recruitment at King’s College London. Alongside this, he is an elected member of the BUILA Executive.