Conversation Insights
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Using data to inform international student recruitment campaigns
As we reach the halfway point of the recruitment cycle, it’s clear that the journey has been anything but straightforward. From navigating shifting government policies and visa changes to managing diverse regional market trends and increasing competition, international student recruitment continues to challenge even the most experienced leaders. Are these changes and emerging trends the new norm for student recruitment?
Read expert speakers’ reflections about adapting strategies and building resilience in a dynamic international student recruitment space.
Expert speakers:
- Rachel Sandison, OBE, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement), University of Glasgow
- Andrew Bird, Chief Marketing Officer/PVC, Southampton Solent University and Chair of the British Universities International Liaison Association (BUILA)
Using data to inform international student recruitment campaigns
This IC Global Café is a critical session for anyone involved in international student recruitment and international marketing.
The Café explores the different types and sources of data that can be used to design and inform international student recruitment campaigns, including internal and external sources, quantitative and qualitative data. The speakers share their experience of using data to make campaign decisions, monitor campaigns and evaluate the success of all campaign initiatives.
Expert speakers:
- Angelina Bingley, Director of UCAS Media
- Inés Teresa-Palacio, Founder and Director, Via Pinnedda and an IC Global Fellow
How to boost international student employability and the benefits to recruitment
In this IC Global Café, we highlight the major changes in the international student recruitment environment, in terms of post-study work and challenges to critical income streams for UK universities; sharing data that highlights the importance of international student employability in offer holder decision making; and discussing ways in which institutions can boost international student employability, including best practice case studies.
Our expert speakers:
- Professor Abigail Gregory MBE, Director of Academic Strategy at Pagoda Projects, an HE Consultant and an IC Global Fellow, and Executive Coach and Mentor (including for The IC Global).
- Andrew Wright, Associate Director (Employer Engagement & Work-based Learning) at King’s College London and Chair of AGCAS Employer Engagement Task Group.
- Noeleen Hammond Jones, Deputy Head of LUMS Careers (Work Related Learning) at Lancaster University Management School
EAIE Barometer: Capturing the pulse of internationalisation of European higher education
At this IC Global Café our speakers explore the key findings of the EAIE Barometer, which is now in its third edition and captures the pulse of the internationalisation of European higher education as it is today. The report provides detailed insight into current issues in the sector, through respondents’ perceptions in key areas such as their professional roles in international higher education, the institution’s or organisation’s structure and strategy for internationalisation budgets and more.
Our speakers share the main takeaways from the barometer with The IC Community. These include:
- The clear commitment in the face of change
- A move toward more shared responsibility for internationalisation
- The real pressure is felt to deliver impact in relation to internationalisation
This is an invaluable session if you have an interest in the internationalisation of the European higher education sector. Also do invite your colleagues to benefit from the latest finding of the EAIE Barometer which sheds a light on the health and vitality of this sector amidst significant challenges and opportunities.
Expert speakers:
Laura Rumbley, Director Knowledge Development and Research
Jody Hoekstra-Selten, Knowledge Development Officer, both at European Association for International Education (EAIE).
Peak performance through coaching: mastering work-life balance for optimal results
We understand the challenging international education climate that you are currently operating in and the feelings you may have of being overwhelmed by the amount of work, meetings and ever-increasing targets for international student recruitment.
- “How can I meet my student recruitment targets?”
- “There is not enough time to undertake all the tasks within my role. I feel overwhelmed and unable to meet my work-related goals.”
- “I’m feeling stressed.”
- “I want to have a better work/ life balance whilst achieving the very best in my role.”
Does the above sound familiar? If you have thought or said one or more of the above sentences, this IC Café is for you.
At this IC Global Café our expert speakers, take you through some easy and practical steps to help you to manage your stress levels, achieve a better balance in your day-to-day work and achieve wanted outcomes whilst also looking after yourself. Learn some practical tips to help you and enjoy some short breathing and stretching exercises that you could incorporate into your daily routine to also help you.
Expert speakers:
- Professor Abigail Gregory MBE (Executive Coach and Mentor)
- Sirin Myles (Executive and Transitional Coach and Mentor)
The role of international marketing in student recruitment: perspectives from the US, Europe and the UK
‘The role of international marketing in student recruitment: perspectives from the US, Europe, and the UK’ IC Global Café delves into the strategies and practices employed by higher educational institutions in these regions to develop their global brands in order to enhance global engagement and attract diverse students from around the world.
Our expert speakers share best practices and reflections on strategic marketing, developing global brands for higher education institutions and international marketing to support student recruitment. They also look at examples from outside the education sector. Expert speakers are:
- Alonda Thomas, Chief Communications Officer and Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Jackson State University
- Inés Teresa-Palacio, IC Global Fellow
Regional Insights: Connecting with China now and for the future
- How do UK universities build secure and trusted research partnerships in China?
- What are the key updates for institutions to learn about in the China market?
- How can your institution balance student recruitment and partnership diversification?
In this IC Café, our expert speakers discuss the current recruitment and partnership landscape, emerging trends, building trusted research partners, engaging with partners, market diversification, transnational education and more – all in the context of China.
If China is one of your strategic markets, is a market you are wanting to continue building, or you are responsible for managing China or South East Asia, this IC Café insights are for you.
Our guest speakers for this Café are:
- Leina Shi, Director Education, British Council China.
- Dr Alexis Brown, Head of Global Education Insights, British Council.
Score a winning partnership: football, universities and community engagement
This IC Global Café focuses on the community engagement between Wrexham Football Club and Wrexham University, and the impressive collaboration of three Leicestershire universities and five local authorities.
The connection between football and universities has been strong for some time, whether it’s the influence of the premier league on international student recruitment, the setting up of football universities or universities investing in their sports facilities and scholarships. Some universities have seen the benefit of investing in their local communities by sponsoring their local football clubs and building relationships, such as the University of Portsmouth and Swansea University. Some universities have incorporated this link with the local community into their overall university strategies and aim to harness their local and global connections for mutual benefit.
The Universities Partnership in Leicestershire is an excellent example of this and is unusual in involving collaboration between three universities for the greater good of their region. Wrexham Football Club has excelled at community engagement and has helped to raise the profile of Wrexham University.The connection with Hollywood will help too!
Our guest speakers for this Café are:
- Katy Davenport, Head of International, Wrexham University
- Paul Angrave, Associate Director of Public Affairs, University of Leicester
TNE: Impactful Collaborations, Meaningful Student Experience and Achieving Sustainability and Equity
For this IC Global Café we are delighted to have as our expert speakers: Dr Vangelis Tsiligiris, Associate Professor, Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University and Founder of the TNE Hub; and Professor Christopher Hill, Faculty of Education at The British University in Dubai, an IC Global Fellow and Co-convenor at the TNE Hub.
In collaboration with the TNE Hub and in advance of their ‘Research and Practice Symposium’, this IC Global Café explores the different aspects of TNE collaborations in an ever changing global landscape and the impact that polarising politics and economies can have on decision making. We discuss the impact of TNE and how equity and sustainability can be achieved. The student experience is often not considered thoroughly enough and can make the difference in the success of a TNE partnership. We also look at what needs to be considered and how the partnership can help empower students.
Has the Foundation market peaked?
With the growth of students studying Foundation Programmes with private providers and the decline of student numbers at in-house programmes:
- What are the future trends for Foundation Programmes?
- How has the foundation market and those that provide them evolved?
- What are best practice models and structures for universities?
- How can international student recruiters best engage with this channel to support their recruitment targets?
This IC Global Café we focus on this key route to undergraduate studies from the different perspectives of our expert speakers.
- Professor Nina-Anne Lawrence, Director of Warwick Foundation Studies, Head of Department and Chair of the University Pathway Alliance (UPA) will share how the Alliance is responding to market changes that have affected international student recruitment to the UK, the innovations introduced to programmes and whether foundation programmes are still valuable for international students.
- Dr Anthony Manning, Director & Dean of Global & Lifelong Learning at the University of Kent and an IC Global Fellow will share insights into the overall Foundation Programme market and observations as an in-house provider at the University of Kent.
If you work in the Foundation Programme market or manage this within your portfolio, don’t miss this insights.
Regional Insights into Sub-Saharan Africa
With the rise of internationally mobile students from Sub-Saharan Africa, foreign exchange and currency instability and the recent UK Government’s decision of international students studying taught master’s courses in the UK not being able to bring dependents, what are the implications of this on international student recruitment and the region?
The imminent launch of the first ever ranking of universities in Sub-Saharan Africa by Times Higher Education (THE) also puts a spotlight on this region. What partnership opportunities are available to institutions? What role does policy play when building collaborations with institutions and increasing international student recruitment? What’s the local context and pulse on the ground?
At this IC Global Café we are delighted to be joined by expert speakers from Sub-Saharan Africa:
- Meekness Lunga Ayidu, Senior Regional Programme Manager: Higher Education (Sub-Saharan Africa), British Council
- Kaozara Oyalowo, Policy Officer (Africa and the Middle East), UUKi
- Stuart Rennie, Managing Director, SJRennie Consulting and Managing Director, AfaraEd and The IC Global Fellow
How to identify, establish and manage successful externally funded scholarship programmes
Our expert speaker Melissa Abache, Director of the International Office at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey and an IC Global Fellow gives advice on how to identify and engage with possible scholarship providers; looks into why and how sponsored student/scholarship programmes are beneficial for universities; and shares lessons learnt in establishing and managing externally funded or co-funded scholarship programmes in your institution for undergraduate or graduate programmes.
EU TNE and student mobility: what are the research and on the ground observations telling us?
Our expert speakers Helen Etheridge, Higher Education and Science Lead for the EU Region at the British Council and Maria Tsakali, Head Thessaloniki office at the British Council Greece discuss student mobility, TNE, EU student numbers, British Council’s activities in Europe, and the Greece market.
Reconnect with Europe: What is the future of European Student Recruitment
In this IC Global Café our guest speaker, Helen Etheridge, Lead for Higher Education and Science for the EU at the British Council provides insights and data on current trends, increased competition, EU agents, employability, TNE and much more.
Internationalisation at Home: The Student Experience
In this IC Café, you can learn about practical and successful IAH initiatives and programmes and receive best practice examples from our expert speakers, Anthony Manning, Dean for Global and Lifelong Learning, University of Kent and Maria Hussain, Faculty International Tutor, University of Leeds.
Internationalisation At Home: Student Employability
Learn from our expert speaker, Kathy Daniels, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Engagement), Aston University as we explored how Internationalisation at Home can have a positive impact on students’ graduate outcomes and employment opportunities.
The Value of Alumni for International Education
Our expert speaker, Mario L. Gallo, highlights the value of alumni: with, in, for and through international education. Learn about the importance of alumni as partners, ambassadors, promotors, mentors, innovators, leaders and more.