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The IC Café: Building (and measuring) your institution’s reputation in key markets

Using data to inform international student recruitment campaigns

At this IC Café we will outline a brand and communications roadmap to raising your institution’s profile and managing its reputation within your key international markets. This will involve leveraging academic, economic, diplomatic and alumni connections and targeting a blend of channels and techniques to deliver tangible impact and success.

We are delighted to introduce this IC Cafes’s expert speaker: Michael Lavery, an award-winning international strategic brand and marcomms consultant; Founder and CEO of Brand & Reputation; and an IC Global Fellow.

Michael has worked in higher education marcomms leadership for two decades, and has led reputation and market positioning strategy work for education institutions in Europe, the US, China and South Africa in the last few years. He is a former adviser to the House of Lords on the brand of UK higher education around the world, a CASE Laureate, and The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)’s Global Marketing Excellence Awards Agency of the Year for 2023-24 (for Brand & Reputation).

Michael’s experience and knowledge will be relevant to anyone working in marketing, recruitment, branding, communications and international roles.

Join us for this IC Café, open to institutional Heads and Directors and colleagues, and invite your colleagues too.

Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Time: 11am (BST)

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Our guest speaker

Michael Lavery, Founder and CEO, Brand & Reputation and an IC Global Fellow

Michael is an international strategic brand and marcomms consultant with extensive experience in the private and public sectors working across Europe and the US, and as a former adviser to the House of Lords.

After starting his career in agency and private sector MarComms, he worked in higher education leadership for 12 years before establishing Brand & Reputation – an award-winning national and international consultancy – in 2017.

As Executive Director at Durham and Teesside universities in the UK he was part of highly regarded University leadership teams and led multi award-winning external relations directorates covering brand and strategic marketing, communications, recruitment and admissions, development, and alumni relations. In these university leadership roles, Michael also chaired national and global networks with UUK, The Russell Group, University Alliance, and the PRCA.

He is a Laureate and former Global Trustee of CASE and a founding member of its European regional council – also serving as interim Global  Vice President in 2021-22.  He is a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the RSA and his work has been recognised with a number of prestigious awards and thought leadership contributions worldwide.