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Innovating for the Future: Overcoming Challenges in International Education

Innovating for the Future: Overcoming Challenges in International Education

Don’t miss the last live IC Café of this academic year! Join guest speaker, Piet van Hove, President of EAIE as we delve into this year’s EAIE conference theme of ‘En-route’.

As international education professionals, we face numerous challenges, but together, we are forging innovative paths to overcome them. In this IC Cafe, we’ll discuss how we can harness digital technologies and implement sustainable practices to shape the future of international education.

Whether you are attending EAIE Toulouse 2024 or not, start networking with your IC Community colleagues and get excited about the upcoming EAIE conference and its key themes and topics.

Date: Tuesday 16 July 2024

This IC Café is at the later and shorter time of 14:00 – 14:30 (BST).

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Our guest speaker

Piet van Hove, President. EAIE

Piet Van Hove is the President (2022-24) of the European Association for International Education ( and Senior Policy Advisor for Internationalisation at the University of Antwerp, where he previously studied Law. He has been active in internationalisation of higher education since 1995, dealing with different aspects of internationalisation, including student and staff mobility, capacity building, services for international staff and students, international educational projects and strategic networking. For 15 years Piet was head of UAntwerp’s International Relations Office.

Piet has been active in the leadership of several professional associations and nonprofits at the national and international level for many years, such as Flanders Knowledge Area, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the NGO APOPO and the EAIE. He currently serves as an independent Director of ILEP Ltd. (Taith Programme).  He presents frequently on a wide range of topics related to internationalisation of higher education.